February 12, 2014

Don't Live a Day without the Lord!

I love telling stories so let me begin by telling you a story.  Once my wife and I were having this conversation over breakfast and we came to a topic on the inevitables in life. On the matter of death, my wife said that to her she would like to die an instant death- no pain, no worries. Then she asks me, “How about you? How would you like to die?” I said, “I would like to die one day after you die because “I can’t Live a day without you!”

This statement of love is so true when it comes to our relationship with Him. Let me rephrase this statement- “LORD, I can’t live a day without you!”

Can you even think or imagine if God would leave us to our own selves? Someone once said, “Seven days without God makes one weak.” What would this week be like? It would be Mournday, Tearsday, Wasteday, Thirstday, Frightday, Shatterday and Sinday.

Friends, the truth is, If GOD departed from us, We’d practically and literally be DEAD!

Colossians 1:16-17
For by Him all things were made, in heaven and on earth, things seen and things unseen, authorities, lords, rulers, and powers; all things were made by Him and for Him; He is before all things, and in Him all things have being.”

The good thing about God’s amazing grace is even those who think that they can live a life apart from God receive their sustenance from Him:

Mathew 5:45 says “He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous”

For believers, God is in your heart ready to guide you and convict you if need be. For non-believers, God is watching and waiting for you to respond to His invitation so that He can  pour out His blessings upon you.

Don’t even think about living a day without the Lord in your life.


February 11, 2014


Today I read Psalm 1:1-3. As I reflect on this Psalm, I asked myself, what does God mean when He says that whatever I do will prosper? There were times in the past when I followed and tried to do the best I can as a christian on a certain endeavors but still experienced failure.

Then it hit me. I realized that when the bible says "everything you do shall prosper", it does not mean immunity from failure or even difficulties. Prosperity in scriptures is when God's wisdom is applied to our lives, then the fruit it will bear in us will be good and prosperous. Sometimes we just don't know it yet. This is the kind of goodness and prosperity that will merit God's approval.

Therefore when we are tempted or when we are lured for wealth or satisfaction via evil means, we must not be corrupted and remain pure in our hearts. This is pleasing to God and will ultimately lead to prosperity in God's perfect time and manner.

February 10, 2014

Take Courage!

Everybody wants to be courageous. We do not want to be debilitated by fear or anxiety. We do not want to cave in under difficult circumstances and compromise our convictions. We do not want to give up on difficult challenges. We do not want to be a coward. We want to be courageous! This is a biblical wish.

2 Timothy 1:7 Paul says "God did not give us a spirit of timidity but a spirit of power"

How can we live courageously?  Where do we draw that strength?

We hear about courage in extraordinary circumstances. Like saving a person from drowning or in a fire by risking one’s own life. These events make it to the headlines because they are truly amazing acts of courage and bravery.

However, let me submit to you that it also takes a great deal of courage to face life’s ordinary everyday challenges. Every day we make choices to either be courageous or cowardly. Should I do the right thing or the convenient thing? Should I stick to a conviction or to cave in for the sake of comfort, greed or approval? Should I take a carefully thought out risk or crawl into a shell of safety, security and inactivity? Should I believe in God and trust Him even though we do not understand His ways or to second guess Him or should I doubt Him and cower in fear?

These choices come our way rapid fire every day. We face them so frequently that we forget that we even make them. We then find ourselves going with the flow instead of carefully making courageous decisions.

Some people say Christianity is for weak people- “quiche eaters.” The exact opposite is true. It takes a great deal of courage to be a Christian. It demands the best that you have.

As a matter of fact, the first thing you have to do to become a Christian is to have the courage to own up to your sins before a holy God. Christianity demands that you repent before God. Tell the truth about yourself: you’ve lied, you’ve cheated, you’ve been greedy and self centered or you’ve been dishonest and unfaithful to your spouse. We often do not want to be open and vulnerable. Confession is painful and humiliating. It would make you feel uncomfortable and exposed. One side of you says that its the right thing to do and you've got to do it.  Another side says don’t do it, take it easy, cover your tracks.

Why do many people cave in to their fears? It’s because it’s more convenient to say “I can' do it, It's too embarrassing, it's too humiliating.” Still others say, “Who, me, a sinner? Not me. I've lived a pretty good life. I may have made a few minor mistakes in judgment - nobody's perfect - but not many, nothing serious.”

Let me reiterate, Christianity is not for weak people. It takes courage to become a Christian. It takes even more courage to live it. 2 Corinthians 5:7 it says, “We walk by faith and not by sight”

Not to worry, Proverbs 3:6 also says “God shall direct our paths.” This is the beauty about Christianity. When God gives a command, He follows it through with a promise.

Following Jesus Christ demands courage. Often, His leadings sound illogical, irrational and counter cultural. Some of His callings demand the best you can summon. Some of His tests stretch you to the limit. Some of his adventures evoke great fears and doubts. Sometimes we are tempted to say “I’ll just play it safe.” Cowards do not last long. They give in and just disappear from Christianity.

It takes courage to be moral in this fallen world we live in. How much courage must we summon to live ethically in this world? What kind of guts does it take to be honest? How much courage is required to stay sexually pure in a sex crazed culture? How much courage is required to stick to a conviction when everyone else is doing it? These are extremely difficult to do if we are to rely on our own powers to do it.

How then do you become courageous?

First, you have to face your crippling fears. Courageous people are not born courageous. They do not come out in this world born without fear? Courageous people are ordinary people who began at some point to face their fears rather than run away from them. Every fear that is faced and overcome becomes a building block. Each success gives you a new sense of confidence.

Second, surround yourself with good models. 1 Corinthians 15:33 “Bad company ruins good morals.” If you spend time with spineless people you will probably become spineless yourself. In order to grow in courage, surround yourself with courageous people. Read testimonies about how people overcame difficulties by being courageous. Read the Bible. There are many stories about courage in people like Moses, Daniel, Esther and Paul. People who despite being petrified went ahead and grew in faith.

Third, allow your mind to be transformed. Courage is foundational to being a Christian. It takes courage to begin a walk with Christ, to reach out your hand and trust Him. It takes courage to lead a life of obedience to Christ. It takes courage to be moral

We all need courage and God wants us to have it. We cannot sit still and expect courage to come and find us. We have to go after it.

Sugod mga Kapatid!